Thursday, February 21, 2013

An Intellectual Crisis

My sister Tiffany is taking an Honor class this semester because they are paying for her tuition. The class is studying Existentialism by studying an author’s compilation of authors that discuss different idea of Existentialism. Last night I walk in after a great basketball game where unfortunately my alma mater, USU, lost in the very last second of the game, which was a great disappointment and a point of aggregation to Chris… However, I digress. I found my Mom and sister pulling me immediately into a discussion because the section that my sister needed to read and write a response to was quite literally giving them a headache. It was the idea that Nothing is Nothing, but by simply discussing Nothing, Nothing has now become something. However in the end, because Nothing is Nothing it negates the something and become Nothing once more…. I assume that most of you would have glazed eyes, a slight headache, and wondered, “how can I escape this discussion?” I on the other hand, was intrigued and started my journey of understanding Heideger’s meaning. He brought meta-physics, dread, the way society uses the word Nothing, and so forth. I was unfortunately continually pulled away from reading by discussions of how to best put an understanding into a response paper. After helping put the dizzying  theories into a more day-to-day format, I asked about the next section of reading. It was an excerpt from Ortega discussing man and our natural existence. Delving into the book reminded me how I enjoyed college readings of philosophical ideas and then discussing them in length. Once I find that book again, I will share some of the topics and hopefully warrant a discussion… :)

Til then Goodnight and enjoy my simple thought on life.

1 comment:

  1. That's some heady stuff. It's probably safest when it does not really make sense to you.
